Tuesday, March 11, 2014

CATLA Spring Conference Schedule: Friday, April 4th

Spring Conference Theme: Catholicism Today
When: Friday, April 4th
Where: Sacred Heart School of Theology, Hales Corners, WI
9:30am - Welcome
10:00-10:30am - CATLA business meeting
10:30-12pm - Plenary with Dr. Shippee
12-1pm - Lunch
1-2:30pm - Afternoon Panel - Researching Catholic Studies (Alan Krieger and Jean McManus, Notre Dame Libraries)
2:30-3:15 - Campus tours

The Second Vatican Council remains the most significant event for contemporary Catholicism.  The morning session will provide a review of its most significant contributions, highlighting the importance of its theme of communion.  It will also chart the major theological movements and fault lines in the Church and catholic theology stemming from the Council. Our plenary speaker in the morning will be Dr. Steven Shippee, from Sacred Heart School of Theology. In the afternoon, a panel of librarians will present on researching Catholic studies and theology. Please RSVP to Lisa Gonzalez at lgonzalez@ctu.edu by March 21st.

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