Wednesday, April 22, 2009

CATLA Spring Conference Recap

Last Friday, CATLA held the Spring Conference at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary.

Here is a brief summary of the presentations and events that took place:

Ruth Gaba: Library environments for reading and writing

Optimal environment includes:

Quiet (but not completely silent!)
Good lighting
Flexibility with types of chairs and seating arrangements
Inspiring Ambiance

among other things...

Ruth discussed the pros and cons of reading and writing in the library according to the group interviews she has been conducting at CATLA schools.

She also shared student responses to the question, 'If your library were a restaurant what kind would it be and why?'

Fast food
Fine dining
Neighborhood coffee shop
Greasy spoon diner
Family restaurant

Robert Roethemeyer: Concordia Theological Seminary (Fort Wayne, Indiana)

Robert described the process of preparing for future renovation of the Walther Library. He discussed the thought and collaboration that has led up to the current design proposal as well as various blueprints of the plans for the new addition. This added space will allow for collection expansion in the years to come and the ability for Saarinen Library to intentionally construct places for socializing, places for researching and writing, and places for reflection.

CATLA Business Meeting:

New CATLA Board officers for 09/10 will be Yana Serdyuk (Concordia University Chicago) as Vice President and Amy Koehler (Moody Bible Institute) as Secretary.

Congratulations and welcome!

Some suggested topics for future CATLA conferences:

Round tables to promote staff development led by various departments
Discussion of the relationship between theology and technology
Presentation about copyright issues with electronic journals and serials

Any other ideas are encouraged as well.

Eileen Saner: Building a Green Library

Eileen explained how she decided to build a green library, offered examples of how AMBS Library meets the LEED certification standards, and hosted a tour of the new library, which is a beautiful facility. After many faithful years of service in the space that has now become storage, AMBS is a local leader in the Elkhart County community on being green thanks to the thoughtful efforts of Eileen and other staff members. To God be the glory!

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