Tuesday, April 27, 2010

CATLA Conference Recap

Here are a few notes about our recent CATLA Conference in Milwaukee.

Tour of the Learning Commons highlights:

  • Cafe: attractive & convenient place to meet up with folks
  • Large screen monitors for conducting searches
  • Whiteboards on wheels & whiteboards built into classroom walls
  • Movable pods with or without computers
  • Classrooms & informal group meeting spaces
  • Screen to indicate current availability of computers

Presentation by Dr. Deirdre Dempsey:

  • Overview of key figures in the discovery & research of the Dead Sea Scrolls
  • Discussion over the possibility that these writings came from the Essenes
  • Introduction to some history & artifacts we would see at the exhibit
  • Brief look at content of the Habakkuk Pesher & community rules
  • Helpful resources in Dead Sea Scrolls studies
  • Peek at why the Dead Sea Scrolls creates stimulating debates among scholars

DSS Exhibit at Milwaukee Public Museum:

  • Historical & cultural artifacts from the time period
  • Replicas of DSS and commentary provided for them
  • 9 minute video teaser video
  • Discussion of the relationship between the scrolls and scripture
  • Kiosk where staff person talks about what resources the scribes used
  • Displays of several different Bibles
  • Area for interactive exercises & gift shop

And for those who couldn't attend, MPM has an overview guide.

Thanks to those who came! It was a great time! Looking forward to seeing you again in the fall!

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